The knowledge of Economy in America

The knowledge of Economy in America

Posted On : Mar 26 2020 American education

Civilized societies invest in knowledge capital because we are in an age of information and knowledge power

The most successful is the most knowledgeable, prepared and experienced 

With the beginning of the modern century, the eyes of the world turned to the applications of technology to facilitate life, and because the first research of man was knowledge, knowledge turned to economic value, and we have the concept of knowledge economy, which is the economy based on scientific knowledge and Information Society and education is the most important source of competition.
Knowledge Economy 7% of the world's domestic product grows at a rate of 10% per annum, it is noteworthy that 50% of the production growth yield mainly the use of technology.

The characteristics of the knowledge economy:
1-scientific innovation: a system between business links, academic institutions and local needs in a simple way.
2 - education
3 - infrastructure based on technology and communication.
4 - incentives based on economic fundamentals aims to increase production.

The United States occupies the knowledge economy systems as its largest source by more than 60%.

Study with the University of Washington, develop your life and invest in knowledge for a better future

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