

Posted On : Apr 01 2020 Studying in USA University of Washington

Focus on mistakes and modify them and develop CV and knowledge 

Learning is an endless phase of human life that begins with Discovery and self-learning, then basic education and then university education، 

Many people think this is the end of education, and this is wrong.،

 The achievement is to connect science to your reality through your point of view, and this is only done by post-university studies such as master's and doctorate

 The master is a specialized letter in a field you choose from your field of study to be specific in it and study in it and you have an imprint، 

So we offer you the opportunity to get an MBA and many other humanities from the University of Washington

Ask Science from the cradle to the grave is a saying of the original Arab effect that encourages us to the importance of searching for science even in China and this is what we also urged George Washington in western culture when he stressed the importance of not stopping the search and ask questions and thinking and the works of the mind because as a muscle may 

Income producing activities 

The value of studying the MBA now and all the time, especially in times of crisis, to distinguish yourself from everyone, to seize the opportunities available and to develop your income

According to the Bureau of Labor statistics (BLS) Bureaus labor statistics, management positions are expected to experience above-average growth of 8% through 2026. 

This represents twice the average growth for all other professions pursued by BLS. 

The data confirm that the Affordable Online MBA with live interactive streaming is still a useful investment.

How much money can you earn through an online MBA?

Post-secondary and postgraduate education has historically been the most effective way to improve social and economic status.

 More education and training in an individual usually equals more earning power and social appreciation. 

According to the National Association of colleges and employers, the average starting salary for 2020 MBA graduates is expected to be 7 79,043 ، 

That is, more than us  20,000 usd who graduate with a bachelor's degree in business.

 Moreover, the salary of  79,043  usd far exceeds the average salary for all professions, which is just over 39,000$ according to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics.

A recent survey of MBA graduates pointed to the importance of thinking about and crystallizing career goals.

 This allows an MBA candidate to have a specific career path and to follow that path with determination and conviction, improving job opportunities.

As with other professions, industry plays a key role in compensation ( earnings and salary) .

 Data obtained from US News and World Report shows 

The highest-earning industries for MBA graduates include consulting (usd 140,187), financial services (. 130,001), technology (. 120,784), retail (. 115,370), and real estate (. 112,086).

Online MBA has always been a good investment - with a good ROI and now you have the opportunity to develop and invest in the mind with the University of Washington kiss the pioneers of success

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